DRC: AU’s commitment to a speedy return to peace in North Kivu

In North Kivu, the humanitarian situation is worsening due to the actions of the M23 and other armed groups, the African Union (AU) has denounced, noting growing concerns about potential new violence, which it attributes to the failure of implementing several peace agreements.

The crisis of DRC was one of the topics discussed at the 19th Ordinary Session of Chiefs of Defense Staff and Heads of Security Services of African nations, held on Tuesday, June 4, at the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

In his address, Alhadji Sarjoh Bah, Director of Conflict Management within the Department of Political Affairs, Peace, and Security, indicated that the military support of the SADC Mission in the DRC (SAMIDRC) to the FARDC marks a significant step in efforts to stabilize the eastern part of the Congolese territory, where the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) continue their operations alongside the M23 militia.

“In eastern DRC, the situation remains critical, with constant threats from groups like M23 and the FDLR. The Commission has supported diplomatic efforts and the deployment of regional forces such as the East African Community Regional Force (EAC) in eastern DRC, which has since been withdrawn and replaced by the SADC Mission in eastern DRC (SAMIDRC) to stabilize the region. The recent support to the SADC mission in eastern DRC (SAMIDRC) marks a significant step in efforts to stabilize the region. In this regard, the AU’s Peace and Security Council and the Commission continue to mobilize support for a rapid stabilization in eastern DRC”, he stated.

While supporting the military intervention of SADC, the AU does not rule out diplomatic options. Alhadji Sarjoh Bah pointed out that the Luanda and Nairobi processes demonstrate the leaders’ commitment to stabilizing the situation in eastern DRC and the entire region.

In this context of a security crisis with regional implications, Sarjoh Bah expressed his satisfaction with the significant progress in ensuring adequate, sufficient, and predictable funding for AU peace support operations.

Trésor Obiang