Burkina Faso/Thunderbolt and hunger: These natural weapons that overcame terrorists

While running the localities recently liberated by the army, Captain Ibrahim Traoré urged the populations of these areas to invite their relatives and acquaintances who have taken up arms, to show good will by getting rid of these dangerous objects before it’s too late.

Captain Ibrahim Diallo lets to the terrorists only 2 alternatives: “Either lay down their arms or die”. Since then, the army has launched extensive operations to reconquest the territory. And that continues for the happiness of the population. The defence and security forces collected the bodies of about ten terrorists who starved at the beginning of the week, as well as starving survivors who testified.

Actually, two groups of terrorists crossed paths to go up together. It was precisely at that moment that thunderbolt struck them, causing many deaths. Let us recall that during the supply of the town of Sollé, terrorists attacked the convoy. These assailants suffered the wrath of the defense and security forces. Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s men launched an assault on one of the largest terrorist bases in the Sahel. These terrorists had occupied the area for years.

Likewise, Burkinabe army arrested a religious guide in the Comoé province. This man would be an accomplice of the terrorists. He spent a very bad moment in the hands of the security forces. The operations continue, and the pressure on the enemy intensifies increasingly. The army’s message is still clear and remains the same: laying down arms is the only way out.