Burkina Faso/Anti-terrorism: Accumulation of victories, the patriotism of combatants would be one of the trigger factors


In Burkina Faso, the fighting forces engaged on the frontlines against the enemies in the bush and for the reclamation of the nation’s territory are determinedly continuing their mission. To date, military operations are being carried out with the resolve of these brave and honorable Burkinabe soldiers, achieving encouraging results such as the neutralization or arrest of terrorist leaders.

Indeed, official reports in recent months have highlighted these remarkable victories of the fighting forces, which not only weaken the enemy but also demonstrate Burkina Faso’s significant progress in the fight against bush criminals. The arrest of Adama Oumarou, a fighter and bomb planter for the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (EIGS), announced by Burkinabe media, adds to several similar actions taken by the valiant Burkinabe soldiers.

According to reports, this latest victory is a severe blow to the forces of evil and their supporters, given the significant role this individual played in the criminal organization. In response to these increasingly frequent achievements, the fighting forces receive nothing but acclaim from their civilian and military compatriots. Some opinions suggest that these outcomes are a testament to the patriotism of these fighters.

Many believe that President Ibrahim Traoré’s strategy to reinstate a sense of patriotism among the Burkinabe population, fostering collective engagement for the nation, is already yielding positive results within the national army.

Additionally, the authorities’ commitment to creating the best possible conditions for the frontline fighters is seen as a driving force behind the unwavering commitment and perseverance of these courageous soldiers.

Read also: Burkina Faso/ The Fighting Forces under the Command of President Ibrahim Traoré: An unwavering determination to recover every inch of the national territory

Sadia Nyaoré

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