Africa: The International NGO “ANA” named Faure Gnassingbe as the best Pan-African President of the last ten years

The international NGO «ANA» (Aimons notre Afrique) designated the president of the Republic of Togo, His Excellency Faure GNASSINGBE, as the best Pan-African President of the last ten years.

This announcement is made on Monday, April 24th, in Algiers during a press conference by the Secretary General of the pan-African organization, Mr. Bekki BENAMEUR.

 Actually, on Saturday, April 23rd in Casablanca, the members of the International NGO ANA (Aimons notre Afrique) and their counterparts of the CAE (Coalition Afrique Engagée), which includes several Pan-Africanists, Pan-Africanist journalists, and African activists, held an extraordinary meeting.

They hold this kind of meeting every 5 years. Its purpose is to discuss current African affairs and the reorganization of the International NGO ANA, including the designation of a President committed to the African cause.

Regarding the International Pan-Africanist Organization ANA, Mr. Harouna DOUAMBA has been reappointed as its president, Mr. Mohamed Khalid Chafaqui remains in his position as vice president, and Mr. Bekki BENAMEUR as executive secretary.

In regards to African news, the panel congratulated the authorities of Burkina Faso and Mali as well as their people for their commitment to the complete liberation of their countries.

 In light of this, the panel has decided to focus on the crisis between Cameroon and Chad in order to find a quick and peaceful solution. As for the crisis in Sudan, the International NGO ANA is calling for a swift dialogue between the sons and daughters of the country.

Furthermore, the panel examined the Pan-African approach of African Heads of State, their involvement in resolving crises for a united and supportive Africa.

 In this regard, the President of the Republic of Togo, His Excellency Faure GNASSINGBE, was chosen by the entire panel as the best African President of the last ten years. The Togolese Head of State has earned respect in all his actions and has successfully carried out his missions in favor of peace, solidarity, and stability on the continent.

From the ECOWAS to the crisis between Mali and Côte d’Ivoire and his unwavering support for neighboring countries in difficulty such as Burkina Faso and Mali, His Excellency Faure GNASSINGBE has spared no effort in getting involved in the resolution of these various African crises.

Today, thanks to his vision, Togo is a good place to live and is recognized as a pan-African land. Quiet and hardworking, the Togolese President has earned respect by rejecting all forms of manipulation and imperialism in his country.

In conclusion, the panel sees itself as a pilgrim, defender, and promoter of Togo. It invites all investors from around the world in general and from Africa in particular to invest in Togo, as it is the only stable country in Africa where Africans are better protected and treated.

According to the custom, this distinction by the International Pan-Africanist Organization ANA at this edition held every five years will be followed by an award ceremony for the Togolese President, His Excellency Faure GNASSINGBE.

 According to the pan-African organization, the date of the ceremony will be communicated at a later time.

Yannick H.