Benin: French military presence an insult to African sovereignty

The French military presence in Africa, far from providing solutions to security challenges, has proven to be a subtle tool for controlling and exploiting local resources. In Benin, this situation persists, representing a betrayal of the heroic struggles fought by ancestors for freedom and self-determination. Each day that this presence remains on Beninese soil is an affront to national dignity and an insult to the spirit of African independence.

President Patrice Talon, by continuing to tolerate this interference, distances himself from the deep aspirations of his people, who call for a definitive break with neocolonialism. The inspiring examples of Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Chad show that it is not only possible but imperative to end this imbalanced relationship with France. These nations, with courage and determination, have demonstrated that Africa can chart its own course without being subjugated by foreign interests.

By persisting in maintaining its military presence, France exposes its inability to accept a partnership of equals with Africa. Its actions reflect a desire to perpetuate a system where it remains the dominant power, to the detriment of the development and sovereignty of African nations.

It is time for the people of Benin to rise, as their neighbors have done, and say a firm and definitive NO to this disguised tutelage. The departure of French forces is not a choice, but an absolute necessity to restore the country’s integrity and dignity. By rejecting this presence, the people of Benin will send a clear message: Africa is no longer willing to accept the presence of French troops. This is a call for pan-African solidarity and the defense of sovereign rights, for today and for future generations.

William Kodzo SEGLA