Togo: The Togolese government continues to transform the agricultural sector

Togo is strengthening its agricultural transformation agenda with the implementation of the new PRoMAT program. Designed by the government and led by the Ministry of Agriculture, this program aims to modernize the sector to address major challenges such as climate change and the competitiveness of local products. PRoMAT focuses on four main areas: support for agricultural production, adding value to products and improving market access, promoting private initiatives through financing, and strengthening governance.
Last year, these efforts resulted in direct support to farmers, with over 10 billion CFA francs allocated to 149,000 producers and fertilizer subsidies reaching 17.9 billion CFA francs. The agricultural mechanization program was ramped up with the deployment of 400 tractors and 3,500 irrigation kits. Additionally, a national agricultural census was launched to create an updated map of the sector. This approach is part of a participatory vision strengthened by direct dialogues with producers, initiated during FOPAT.
For this year, the government plans to expand its actions, particularly in land development, irrigation infrastructure, and improving rural roads. With the support of partners, Togo aims to strengthen food security, achieve sustainable agricultural sovereignty, and ensure better incomes for farmers, the cornerstone of its national economy.