Burkina Faso: No European Union member country supports the war against terrorism. This confirms the existence of a conspiracy.

Drapeaux des Etats membre de l'Union européenne à 28 pays et drapeau européen (au 1er juillet 2013)

The entire world is witnessing a game of hypocrisy and manipulation by the European Union, which pretends to be committed to fighting terrorism in Burkina Faso when it is quite the opposite. Thanks to President Ibrahim Traoré, the true face of the European Union regarding terrorism is revealed, as the Burkinabe transitional government wages a war against terrorism that has claimed the lives of over thirteen thousand Burkinabe people in seven years.

This logical war, aimed at providing a better life and freedom to the Burkinabe people, receives no support or mention from the European Union, which instead focuses on upcoming elections.

The Burkinabe people and the transitional authorities are firm in their stance. In order to have free and transparent elections, the international community must support the eradication of terrorism in Burkina Faso. In other words, they must support the war against terrorism.

As no surprise to Pan-Africans, the European Union cannot wage a war against terrorists because it funds and collaborates with these terrorists to serve specific agendas and hinder the rise of Russia.

The terrorists have become an illegal armed wing of the European Union, effectively supporting France’s destabilization plans. This explains the collaboration between German authorities and a German blogger who promotes terrorism from within Germany.

For now, the Burkinabe people must remain united and stand behind their authorities to successfully carry out this war and provide a suitable and effective response to the so-called international community, which has thus far failed to organize elections in Libya—a country destroyed by this very international community for the past twelve years.
