Burkina-Faso: Guillaume Soro receives an audience with Ibrahim Traoré

Arriving in Ouagadougou on Tuesday, November 21, former Ivorian Prime Minister Guillaume Soro was received in audience by the president of the transitional government, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

After 5 years in exile, Guillaume Soro can now set foot on the soil of his native continent.

Guillaume Soro stated, ‘It is so striking to see that I can once again tread the ground of Burkina Faso, thanks to a military government, where supposedly democratically elected governments have refused to recognize the rights of the citizen that I am, the West African that I am.’ For this reason, he expresses his gratitude to the Burkinabe people.

After receiving advice from the head of state on the need to consolidate peace and reconciliation in the sub-region, Guillaume Soro says he is impressed by Ibrahim Traoré’s perception of the challenges in this area.

The former president of the Ivorian National Assembly was pleased to see that Burkina Faso is led by an enlightened head of state and praised the government for their commitment and determination in the fight against terrorism.

This meeting is of great importance to Soro due to the special relationship between Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire, two brotherly countries. It is also a sign of the willingness of both personalities to contribute to the building of peace and harmony among the brotherly peoples of Africa.

Sadia Nyaoré