Togo/Agoè-Assiyéyé Market Fire: The Government’s Firm Commitment Alongside Victims

Following the significant disaster at the Agoè-Assiyéyé Market in Lomé nearly a week ago, the Togolese government, under the guidance of President Faure Gnassingbé, has firmly committed to supporting the victims of the fire.

Efforts are being made to alleviate the suffering of the victims and enable them to restart their activities with peace of mind. To achieve this, the government plans to involve all stakeholders in the trade chain. After discussions with microfinance actors to seek their solidarity and support, it is now the turn of importers and wholesalers.

These major suppliers of goods to the traders at the Agoè-Assiyéyé Market have also been called upon to show solidarity and compassion towards their clients, the fire-stricken traders. This occurred during a meeting with the Minister of Commerce, Mrs. Kayi Mivedor-Sambiani, and a delegation of traders from the market ravaged by the flames.

Their support would involve being willing to provide goods to the traders with acceptable payment conditions. Additionally, they were urged by the minister to avoid speculation on the prices of goods, an appeal that was positively received by those involved.

Several importers and wholesalers are willing to support these fire victims for a rapid and appropriate restart of their economic activities.

Some of them have decided to make various products available to the traders at lower costs. Furthermore, the National Food Security Agency (ANSAT), present at this meeting, announced its intention to provide 140 tons of cereals, including maize, rice, sorghum, and beans in the initial phase.

It’s worth noting that both food and non-food items, as well as a fund of 150 million CFA francs, were handed over to the victims a few days ago to ensure support during the festive period. This aligns perfectly with the instructions from the Head of State, Faure Gnassingbé, to the government for special attention to the victims.

 Justine Akolatsey