AES : Seeming wind of appeasement/intelligence and security in Burkina, Mali and Niger must be more vigilant

The recent events related to the apparent easing of tensions in the Sahel region should raise concerns, especially for intelligence and security services that are already doing commendable work in the three Sahelian countries : Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger. Recently, Beninese President Patrice Talon announced his intention to “restore relations with Niger”. The same country informed Niger about lifting the suspension on transactions to Niger at the port of Cotonou. It all sounds good, but is there any truth to it ?

The question troubles minds. Benin, which is part of the countries executing France’s plan in Niger, suddenly appears willing and changes its tone. What a turnaround ! These are Beninese tricks intended to deceive the people and keep the country under French domination, just like Benin itself. Fortunately, Nigerien authorities are enlightened, and the people of Niger are informed citizens who have not fallen for the bait.

In Burkina Faso, there is the issue of fake news propagated by France through its destabilization media to distract and lull the people to plan its move.

Intelligence and security services in the three Sahelian countries must be extremely vigilant in recent days. This apparent wind of appeasement from these countries, which were once ready to bloodshed the Sahel, should prompt transitional governments to be very cautious. It could all be a smokescreen, aiming to divert attention. It’s to lull them to sleep.

Faced with something that seems like a relaxation of tensions, intelligence and security services must multiply their vigilance a thousandfold. Because the French and their allies strike when least expected.

Ly Adam