Burkina Faso / Captain Ibrahim Traoré : An honest, transparent and uncompromising presidency against corruption and theft

In a bid for transparency and rigor, under the leadership of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, measures have been taken to punish acts of theft and corruption within the National Armed Forces of Burkina Faso.

Chief Warrant Officer Dalibou Savadogo bore the consequences, being dismissed from the ranks for embezzling 7.260.000 CFA francs intended for the payment of operation bonuses for Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) in Samorogouan (Orodara, Kénédougou).

During an exchange with the presidential staff, President Ibrahim Traoré clearly stated his commitment to a zero-tolerance policy for serious breaches that could compromise the reconquest of territorial integrity. This declaration was followed by concrete actions aimed at ensuring transparent management of public assets.

This series of sanctions began with the detachment commander of Sollé, Captain Alira Elisée Martial Nayiré, who was dismissed on January 5, 2024, for his inability to organize his troop against terrorists despite multiple warnings. Captain Ibrahim Traoré thus demonstrates his determination to guarantee efficiency and integrity within the Armed Forces.

Chief Warrant Officer Dalibou Savadogo of the National Armed Forces was dismissed from service for a « particularly serious offense consisting of the fraudulent embezzlement of the sum of 7.260.000 CFA francs intended for the payment of operation bonuses for the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) in Samorogouan ». This decision, outlined in an order dated January 31, 2024, and signed by the Minister of Defense, Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly, underscores the government’s firm stance against such actions.

It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the year, Captain Ibrahim Traoré demonstrated his respect for the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland by significantly increasing their monthly allowances, disability benefits, death benefits, and burial expenses. These measures aim to recognize and reward the dedication and courage of the VDP, thereby strengthening cohesion within the armed forces.

Under the leadership of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the presidency is firmly committed to ending financial mismanagement and establishing transparent management of public assets.

Sadia Nyaoré