Togo : Mr. Harouna Douamba greats the government’s efforts in the fight against the high prices living.

The togolese government did not cross arms in the face of high prices which have been held lately. Steps have been taken to eradicate this scourge. Last Friday’s Council of Ministers dedicated to the 2023 finance law, new measures have been announced to intensify actions of social integration of the business climate in Togo.

The government plans to extend the VAT exemption to university and company canteens from 2023, while maintaining the exemption for school canteens. Also, the rate of the tax will be reduced, in order to support the resellers of loincloths, so as to make the prices of loincloth fabrics competitive.

The strategy set up by the Togolese government is applauded by the businessman, Mr. Harouna Douamba, for whom, “all these measures are part of the government’s dynamic to combat the high prices of living with the aim of relieving the population.
Mr Douamba also congratulated the Togolese President, His Excellency Faure Gnassingbé, for the work that he has made to promote peace and social cohesion.

On the question of the decentralisation process and next elections, he welcomed the reforms aimed at effective and efficient decentralisation in Togo, to pave the way for regional elections expected for 2023, and encouraged the Togolese government to continue its efforts, especially in terms of common financing and including political actors.
Concerning the fight against terrorism, the socio-political consultant, Harouna Douamba, praised the commitment of the Togolese government, which continues to provide the Togolese defence and security forces with the necessary response abilities to fight effectively against insecurity in the country.

Miss OLY