Togo : Strengthening the fight against infectious diseases with new grants from the Global Fund

Togo has recently been designated as a beneficiary of new grants from the 7th Funding Cycle of the Global Fund (GC7) for combating HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and Covid-19 (C19RM). During a workshop led by the Prime Minister, Mrs. Victoire Tomegah Dogbé, on Wednesday, February 28th in Lomé, these grants were officially presented.

These funds granted by the Global Fund mark a significant financial commitment for Togo, amounting to 112.8 million euros, approximately 74 billion CFA francs. This sum represents an increase of over 14% compared to the previous cycle (2021-2023). In addition to this initial grant, an additional 19.37 million euros, approximately 12.7 billion CFA francs, were approved for the period 2024-2025. Thus, the total amount of grants allocated reaches 86.7 billion CFA francs for the period 2024-2026.

This investment from GC7 and C19RM aims to support and strengthen national programs for combating HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, as well as the Togo Central Purchasing Agency for Essential Medicines and Generics (CAMEG-TOGO). Its objective is twofold : to consolidate the progress already made in the fight against malaria and to accelerate the implementation of quality prevention and care services to combat the epidemics of HIV and tuberculosis.

The launch workshop was an opportunity to present these new grants in detail, as well as the associated conditions and recommendations. Implementation actors were also introduced, with clarification of roles and responsibilities at all levels. Additionally, key issues, challenges, and obstacles to the effective use of Global Fund financing were identified.

The grants are distributed as follows : 29.4 billion CFA francs for HIV/AIDS, 2.58 billion CFA francs for tuberculosis, 42.04 billion CFA francs for malaria, and 12.7 billion CFA francs for C19RM. These figures reflect Togo’s commitment to intensifying its fight against infectious diseases and strengthening its healthcare system for the well-being of its population.

Read also: Togo : WHO representative applauds remarkable progress in health under president Gnassingbé’s Leadership

Justine Akolatsey