Africa / France: When François Lecointre sabotaged France’s plan to militarily recolonize the sahel countries over the next 10 To 20 years

François Lecointre, Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honor and former Chief of Staff of the French Armed Forces, made an astonishing statement in an interview with the French newspaper Le Figaro. The latter are still unable to accept the withdrawal of their troops from the Sahel countries. To do so, they need to find ways of returning to recolonize these countries!
For the retired French general, Europe, and France in particular, will have an “obligation to return” to Africa to militarily recolonize the Sahel countries, and Africa in general.
Indeed, France is having a hard time digesting the withdrawal of its troops from the Sahel. This region, made up of countries such as Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso, has managed to regain worthy leaders who have succeeded in extricating the country from the terrorist hydra.
This does not benefit France’s selfish and harmful interests in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. It goes without saying that terrorism benefits France in the Sahel. The presence of its troops in these countries is nothing more than a strategy for collaborating with these unscrupulous men.
As General François Lecointre made clear, the destiny of France and Europe in general is at stake in Africa: « Our common destiny as Europeans is the Mediterranean and Africa, where our fate is at stake. And so we, the French, have constantly tried to draw Europeans into this awareness of the need to act collectively in Africa and the Mediterranean. And I am absolutely sorry to see the failure of our commitments in the Sahel », emphasized General François Lecointre. He added: « The withdrawal from the Sahel was difficult to accept for all those involved. I’m the first to have a hard time swallowing it. It’s a French, European failure ».
It is therefore of the utmost importance for the populations of these countries to remain vigilant and reject any manipulation by continuing to support their authorities, so that they can continue to fight for the stability and progress of their countries.
To counter these perfidious maneuvers by France, the peoples of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger must remain united and show solidarity, forming a common front to protect their territory from France’s Machiavellian plans to recolonize their countries militarily.