Algeria: Creation of a Ministry for African Affairs on the Horizon

According to well-informed sources, the government of Algeria plans to establish a ministry dedicated to African Affairs. The decision has been made, pending formal approval by the President of the Republic. Azzouz Baallal, the current Algerian ambassador  to Tunisia and a Sahel specialist, is being considered for this position.

Although Algerian authorities have not yet made an official announcement on the subject, it is clear that President Tebboune’s foreign policy direction toward Africa makes this possibility highly plausible. Indeed, both the Head of State and the Minister of Foreign Affairs have continuously emphasized Algeria’s deep ties to Africa.

In his speeches, Abdelmadjid Tebboune stresses the need to focus on Africa by encouraging domestic industries to invest heavily there, ordering the opening of Algerian banks in African capitals, and increasing the number of air connections to African countries.

In this context, the Minister of Foreign Affairs highlighted «Algeria’s total commitment to its African roots and its continued efforts for a united, secure, and stable Africa». Algeria advocates for progress and emancipation in Africa, striving to amplify its voice at the UN Security Council, where it will sit as a non-permanent member starting next January.

Algeria aims to rectify an injustice by advocating for a more significant presence of the African continent within this UN body, given its inaction in response to the crimes committed by Israel in Gaza—a stance firmly reiterated by President Tebboune.

Algeria aims to return to the era when it acted as a driving force on the continent, «welcoming African liberation movements without distinction and being present in all stops of joint African action without exception», as highlighted by Ahmed Attaf. He further added that Algeria «remains committed, as an active stakeholder, to efforts aimed at addressing economic development issues and tackling challenges related to peace, security, and stability at both the continental and regional levels».

Considering all the efforts the Algerian President is making on the continental front, the idea of establishing a ministry to support this cause can only be seen as beneficial.
