Bola Tinubu, the new French ally for destabilizing President Ibrahim Traoré’s regime

It seems that France is not ready to leave Burkina Faso in peace. Despite the numerous thwarted destabilization attempts and exposed plots, new conspiracies arise every day with the emergence of new figures. France, being strategic, wasted no time after Bola Tinubu, the new President of Nigeria, was appointed as the President of ECOWAS. His mandate from France is to destabilize the governments in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Guinea. For now, they are starting with Burkina Faso.

Indeed, in its plan to destabilize Burkina Faso and bring down the President of the Burkinabe Revolution to install a pro-France civilian leader for its wealth plundering strategies, France needs institutions like ECOWAS and unscrupulous heads of state like Umaro Sissoco Embalo, Nana Akufo-Addo, and others.

To achieve this, France has tried to innovate. Recently appointed as the President of ECOWAS, Bola Tinubu is now part of the scheme. He has received orders from France to engage in destabilization strategies that will force Presidents Ibrahim Traoré, Assimi Goïta, and Mamadou Doumbouya to step down from power. According to multiple credible sources, a new plot is being devised against President Ibrahim Traoré’s transition, and it must be exposed.

This new plot consists of accusing the transitional authorities of stigmatizing the Burkinabe fulanis. Two heads of state have been chosen to carry out this plot. The first is the Ghanaian President, who is tasked with driving out the Burkinabe Fulanis living in Ghana, so that the terrorists can carry out the massacre. As stated, President Nana Akufo-Addo recently repatriated all Burkinabe Fulanis from his territory. However, the Burkinabe authorities, particularly the intelligence service, immediately gathered this information and swiftly dispatched the army to search for these Burkinabe Fulanis. As a result, they managed to escape the danger of the massacre.

The second head of state chosen by France for the successful implementation of the plot is the new President of ECOWAS, Bola Tinubu. His mission is to intervene after the massacre of the repatriated Fulanis from Ghana by sanctioning the transition and calling upon the international community. After Embalo Sissoco, it is now the turn of the aging Bola Tinubu. One wonders what France truly offers these heads of state to accept such destructive and diabolical plots against their own continent, Africa.

Since the beginning of President Ibrahim Traoré’s transition, French President Emmanuel Macron had sent his disciple from Guinea-Bissau, Umaro Sissoco Embalo, to Burkina Faso with the intention of convincing him to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors.

What was the objective? Well, he was proposed to serve France for personal interests! France wanted to use Ibrahim Traoré to fulfill its wealth plundering agenda, allowing him to remain in power as long as he pleased. Being loyal, fair, and patriotic, President Ibrahim Traoré dared not follow their instructions. That’s when France decided to make the MPSR transition its sworn enemy. France no longer hides and implements its destabilization plans, despite being aware that the African community, particularly the Burkinabe people, are well aware of all its plots against their beloved homeland and their cherished President of the Revolution, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

In the bush, in villages, in organizations and NGOs, on social media, and among heads of state, France has managed to position enemies against Burkina Faso in every possible domain.

Today, France supplies fuel, weapons, and money to terrorist groups, and it funds phony activists to create Facebook pages to attack the Burkinabe transition.

There is nothing new or surprising. The only thing the Burkinabe people should keep in mind is that President Ibrahim Traoré possesses what it takes to bring prosperity to Burkina Faso in all possible sectors, especially in countering terrorism.

Therefore, this honorable Burkinabe people must do everything possible to stand united behind this great Revolutionary son who, despite French conspiracies, is working to free this resource-rich country from the clutches of the terrorists trained by France and its lackeys.

For now, the warning is for the new President of ECOWAS, Bola Tinubu, who, just a few days after his appointment, is rushing to follow France’s lead and destabilize Burkina Faso.

Cindy Camacho