Burkina Faso/ A fugitive postal worker was arrested with nearly 87 million CFA francs

Burkina Faso is trying his hardest to get the embezzlers of public funds and others who have a passion of financial crimes out of its soil.  Upon his seizure of power, the head of state Captain Ibrahim Traoré defined his top priorities: fight not only against the terrorist threat, but also against corruption which is a hindrance to the country’s development. After fleeing with nearly 87 million CFA francs, the interim chief of the Pô agency of Burkina Faso Post office was arrested in Ivory Coast by the country’s security forces before being handed over to Burkinabe authorities during the past month.

 The information is given in a 3th Monday press release by Nestor Kientga, public Prosecutor at the high Court of Justice of Pô.

The information states that the fugitive interim head of the Burkina post office’s Pô agency was on the run for just over a month. He disappeared from his job and home with 87.26 million francs CFA.

According to the prosecutor, the concerned one was handed over on March 17, 2023 by the National Central Bureau-Interpol/Abidjan to a missioned team from Ouagadougou. After the investigation was concluded, he was brought to the public prosecutor’s office on March 28, 2023.

The investigating judge charged him and issued a warrant for his detention. «The prosecutor of Burkina Faso requested the opening of an investigation against him for embezzlement of public funds and money laundering. », inform the communiqué.

Convinced that the anti-terrorism war necessarily involves the fight against corruption and illicit enrichment, the Head of State has enhanced the institutions accredited to fight this evil that has long corroded the country.