Burkina Faso: Budgetary adjustment 2024, a priority for security and humanitarian crisis


On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, Burkinabe deputies gathered in a plenary session under the presidency of Dr. Ousmane Bougouma, President of the Parliament, to review and adopt the revised finance law for the 2024 fiscal year. This budgetary adjustment, framed within the context of an acute security and humanitarian crisis, aims to address the country’s new priorities.

Burkina Faso’s 2024 budget was initially designed with the primary goal of reclaiming national territory, which is currently threatened by armed terrorist groups. However, due to the intensification of military operations and the need to support economic and social development efforts, revisions became inevitable. This new budgetary framework focuses on two main priorities: strengthening the equipment of the fighting forces and addressing the humanitarian crisis, particularly assisting internally displaced persons (IDPs).

The security situation in Burkina Faso remains critical. One of the key objectives of this budget adjustment is to ensure that the defense and security forces have the necessary equipment and resources to confront armed groups. The increased funding allocated to the acquisition of military and logistical equipment is at the core of the amendments to the initial finance law. By providing more resources to the army, the government aims to continue its strategy of territorial reclamation and restore peace and security in regions affected by violence.

Alongside military actions, Burkina Faso is also facing a major humanitarian crisis, marked by a massive influx of internally displaced persons (IDPs) forced to flee their homes due to violence. The budget adjustment adopted by Parliament takes this reality into account by allocating additional funds for humanitarian assistance. These resources will be used to provide food, shelter, and essential supplies to thousands of displaced Burkinabe while supporting community initiatives aimed at improving their well-being.

Another aspect of this revision is the inclusion of presidential initiatives for community development. In an effort to strengthen the resilience of communities affected by conflict, the state has intensified local development projects focused on rehabilitating basic infrastructure and revitalizing the economy. These projects aim to revitalize affected areas and provide economic opportunities to vulnerable populations.

This budgetary adjustment for the 2024 fiscal year reflects Burkina Faso’s commitment to addressing its current challenges while laying the groundwork for sustainable development in the future.

Sadia Nyaoré

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