Burkina Faso: Call for general mobilization for withdrawal of ICC

Burkina Faso is currently experiencing a crucial period in its history. In response to numerous calls from civil society and opinion leaders, a large popular mobilization is scheduled for June 7th to demand Burkina Faso’s withdrawal from the International Criminal Court (ICC). This initiative, driven by growing indignation over repeated UN accusations against the armed forces, aims to defend national sovereignty and protect the integrity of institutions.

The International Criminal Court, created to prosecute the most serious crimes affecting the international community, has often been criticized for its bias and relentless pursuit of African leaders. Many see this institution as a tool of post-colonial domination, used to intimidate and discredit those who dare to oppose the interests of major powers.

The brave soldiers, deployed on all fronts to defend the “land of upright people” against terrorist threats, are frequently targeted with unfounded accusations and biased reports. These men and women, who risk their lives for the safety of Burkinabe citizens, deserve unconditional support. For some observers, it is time to say “no” to these injustices and to denounce the maneuvers of those who seek to weaken the determination of the Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration (MPSR).

June 7th must be a historic day for our nation. All citizens, passionate about justice and freedom, are called to gather massively. This peaceful demonstration aims to:

  • Demand the immediate withdrawal of Burkina Faso from the ICC.
  • Support the armed forces against unjust accusations.
  • Reaffirm national sovereignty and dignity.

It is crucial that every Burkinabe understands the importance of this mobilization. By uniting, a strong message is sent to the world that Burkina Faso is a sovereign country that will not be dictated to by biased international bodies.

Read also: Burkina Faso: Is the ICC the last destabilization plan for the transition led by captain Ibrahim Traoré?

Sadia Nyaoré