Burkina Faso/Counter-terrorism: The need to continue collective mobilization for the patriotic support fund

In the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, January 29, presided over by the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE, it was decided to extend by one year the collection of contributions aimed at strengthening The patriotic support fund, created in 2023 to better combat terrorism. The related decree was signed for a renewable one-year period, running from January 1 to December 31, 2025.

This fund, which has already demonstrated its effectiveness with the increasing presence of Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) and their effective support, must remain operational in the face of terrorist threats that persist in certain parts of the country. Moreover, it is thanks to the strategy of Captain Ibrahim TRAORE and the massive support of the population that significant results have been achieved on the ground.

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Aboubakar NACANABO, states that it was initially planned for the decree establishing the fund to be reviewed after one year of implementation to assess the need to continue.

 “After evaluation, it was determined that it is necessary to continue the collection and strengthen the Patriot Support Fund, given its significant impact on the ground in supporting the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland and equipping them, (…) as well as securing the territory”, said the minister.

Read also Burkina Faso / Patriotic Support Fund: The Burkinabe People United Against Terrorism