Burkina Faso/Food Security: The involvement of inmates and FDS, a praiseworthy initiative by the president of Faso

To achieve his goal of food self-sufficiency for all Burkinabe citizens, the President of Faso deemed it necessary to involve prisoners and the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) in his presidential initiative for agriculture. To materialize this brilliant idea, a pilot phase of agricultural and animal production has been set up.
To date, eleven (11) barracks and three (03) prisons in Burkina Faso are experimenting with this ambitious project as part of the agro-sylvo-pastoral production initiative by the head of state, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE. FDS personnel and inmates passionate about agricultural and livestock activities have engaged and are currently pleased with the progress made.
Beyond achieving food self-sufficiency, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE aims, through this initiative, to turn inmates and FDS personnel into agro-pastoral production actors. This will serve as a learning framework, especially for soldiers at the end of their missions to facilitate their transition to retirement and for war-wounded soldiers who can develop other activities beyond their profession.
This initiative will be extended to other units of the Burkinabe army as well as to other prisons. The ambition of the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE, is to make his compatriots complete development actors, capable of working first for their own empowerment and, by extension, for the development and prosperity of the country of upright men.
Unwavering support and adherence of the Burkinabe population to Captain Ibrahim TRAORE’s ambitious initiatives will, within a few years, raise the country’s profile. As promised by the President of Faso, Burkina Faso will soon become an eldorado. The population must therefore work seriously and determinedly to make this dream come true.