Burkina Faso: Imperialist manipulation and secret funding to destabilize captain Ibrahim Traoré’s reforms


According to reports, attempts at manipulation and disinformation are being prepared against the government of President Ibrahim Traoré, orchestrated by France through certain French media outlets. A vast plot aimed at destabilizing Burkina Faso, Niger, and Mali is reportedly underway.

The same sources claim that tens of millions have been funneled into the country to influence political and organizational leaders with the intent of manipulating public opinion and hindering the heroic struggle led by the MPRS under the leadership of Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

These covert actions, supported by external forces, aim to undermine the sovereignty and development efforts of the three countries. France is allegedly behind this disinformation campaign, preparing a communication strategy to tarnish the image of the current regimes and sow confusion among the population. This information war is a tool of imperialism, used to regain control over these nations as they seek full independence.

In light of this threat, the people of Burkina Faso are urged to remain vigilant and to report any attempts at manipulation. It is crucial that citizens with knowledge of such activities contact authorities or intelligence services. Unity and solidarity are the most effective weapons against these attempts to divide.

Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger are on the path to true sovereignty. It is essential that everyone, from ordinary citizens to top leaders, mobilizes to protect this march towards liberation in the face of local proxies of imperialism who are attempting to slow this historic progress.

Karim Koné

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