Burkina Faso : Mercenary journalist Wassim NASR in the service of disinformation for money

It is time to unveil the disgraceful practices of mercenary journalist Wassim NASR, who, in exchange for money from French authorities, engages in disinformation campaigns against Burkina Faso.
Following certain journalists from Libération and Le Monde, it is now Wassim NASR’s turn to jump into the fray, orchestrating an offensive of lies on France 24 to turn falsehoods into truths.
The mercenary journalist Wassim NASR, recently returning to the scene after the withdrawal of journalists from Libération and Le Monde, has taken up the “contract” of disinformation.
His reports on Burkina Faso are a web of shameless lies. Constantly using conditional statements, he reveals his blatant lack of evidence and solid information. By hiding behind vague formulations such as “according to certain information”, he attempts to pass off lies as truths.
Wassim NASR’s remarks on Burkina Faso are nothing but a grand deception. His motivations are dictated by money rather than the pursuit of truth. It is important for the people of Burkina Faso to remain vigilant and not be fooled by the false narratives propagated by corrupt journalists.