Burkina Faso : President Ibrahim Traoré Revolutionizes Healthcare with the Establishment of the Regional Hospital Center of Manga

President Ibrahim Traoré continues to demonstrate his commitment to the well-being of his people. During the latest cabinet meeting this Friday, Captain Ibrahim Traoré prioritized the health of the population by announcing the establishment of the Regional Hospital Center of Manga (CHR-MNG). This remarkable initiative, materialized by a presidential decree, reflects President Ibrahim Traoré’s vision to strengthen healthcare services and reduce medical evacuations.
A decree was announced during the cabinet meeting regarding the creation of the Regional Hospital Center of Manga. With a capacity of 300 beds, the CHR-MNG is intended to play a crucial role in improving specialized healthcare services in the Center-South region of Burkina Faso. This new medical infrastructure promises to alleviate the pressure on national hospitals by reducing the need for medical evacuations, thus providing a more effective response to the health needs of the local population.
The adoption of the presidential decree for the creation of the Regional Hospital Center of Manga aligns with the law n°010-2013/AN of April 30, 2013, defining the rules for the creation of categories of public institutions. President Ibrahim Traoré thus demonstrates his commitment to legality and transparency in the implementation of major projects that impact the daily lives of citizens.
The CHR-MNG will have a significant impact on the quality of healthcare available in the Center-South region. By offering specialized medical services, the new facility will contribute to improving the overall health of the local population. Furthermore, the reduction of medical evacuations will ease the existing healthcare system and allow for a more efficient use of medical resources.
President Ibrahim Traoré, in announcing the creation of the Regional Hospital Center of Manga, once again demonstrates his sincere commitment to the well-being of his people.
Alex Compaoré