Burkina-Faso: RTB launches its new channel dedicated to the promotion of national languages, an identity and sovereign act

The Burkinabè people continue to show support for presidential initiatives aimed at the full sovereignty of the country. Following the establishment of national languages as official languages, the Burkinabè Broadcasting Corporation (RTB) has taken a significant step in supporting the transitional government’s decision.

The national channel has launched its new channel named RTB 3, with a mission to broadcast programs in the twelve languages spoken in Burkina Faso. These languages include Moore, Dioula, Fulfulde, Gulmancema, Dagara, Bissa, Lobiri, Bwamu, Liélé, Bobo Mandarè, San, and Dafing.

This action affirms cultural identity and sovereignty while making information more accessible to the entire Burkinabè population. With the slogan «Our channel, our identity», the channel also aims to promote coexistence among the different ethnic groups in the country.

In essence, RTB 3 will allow everyone to discover both themselves and others.

According to the Minister of Communication, the slogan is significant as President Captain Ibrahim Traoré places Faso’s development on indigenous values.

Read also: Burkina Faso: National languages will now take the lead, relegating French to the status of “Language of Work”
