Burkina Faso: Something as simple as wearing a helmet can mean the difference between life and death


As of January 1st, wearing helmets became mandatory for motorcycle riders and their passengers in Burkina Faso. This measure taken by the government reflects a clear commitment to protecting road users in a context where traffic accidents involving motorcycles are frequent. While the helmet may seem like a simple item, it is a vital piece of equipment that significantly reduces the risk of head trauma and death in the event of an accident.

International statistics show that wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of mortality by 42% and the risk of serious injuries by 69%. On the roads of Burkina Faso, where two-wheelers make up the majority of transportation, this simple action can make the difference between life and death. Raising awareness among citizens about the importance of this measure is therefore a priority to ensure its enforcement and maximize its positive impacts.

Beyond individual protection, this reform is part of a broader effort to reduce the strain on healthcare infrastructure and the economic losses associated with road accidents. Adopting this habit is not only about protecting oneself but also contributing to road safety and collective well-being. Wearing a helmet is much more than a legal obligation: it is an act of responsibility and respect for oneself and others.

Sadia Nyaoré

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