Burkina Faso/Reforms: Conclusions of regional discussions in the hands of the transitional government

The Legislative Assembly of the Transition (The ALT) has initiated and conducted consultations in the 13 regions of Burkina Faso on the political, institutional and administrative reforms of the transition government. Discussions took place between the members of this legislative institution and the driving forces of each of the 13 regions.

The transitional government plans to carry out a total of 21 reforms as part of its action plan for the stability and development of the country. These reforms will enable the country of men of integrity to get back on track and achieve the objectives set by the Transition, namely stability and socio-economic development.

Following this decision by the government, the deputies of the Transitional Legislative Assembly saw fit to consult the driving forces of the country’s regions on these reforms. At the end of the days of discussion, the general report, which contains the opinions, proposals and suggestions of the population, was submitted on Monday 09 October to the Head of Government, Mr Apollinaire Kyélèm de Tambèla.

According to the report, the driving forces in the regions put forward a total of 25 proposals for reform in several areas, in addition to those put forward by the transitional government. On the question of the constitution, according to the president of the institution, Ousmane Bougouma, the majority of Burkinabe consulted (84%) are in favour of a new constitution that reflects the traditional values of Burkina Faso.

The general of ALT report shows that the driving forces in the regions want certain institutions to be abolished. As far as military justice is concerned, 5 of the 13 regions are in favour of abolishing it. The aim of this move by the Transitional Legislative Assembly is to enable the government to take account of the population’s expectations as part of the reforms.

The head of government has promised that the reform proposals of the people of Burkina Faso will be taken into account. He also affirmed that the population will always be consulted before any general decisions are taken. I hope that Faso will regain its political, security and economic stability.

Sadia Nyaoré