Burkina Faso: Why does Amnesty International want to tarnish the reputation of Burkina Faso?

Regional and international organizations seem to be taking advantage of the situation in Burkina Faso to settle their scores. After the serious statement made by the ECOWAS Chairman, describing the attack in Karma as “genocide”, it is now the turn of Amnesty International with its usual false reports.

In a report published on May 2nd, 2023, Amnesty International accused the Burkinabe army of being responsible for the massacre in Karma. It is a shame that an organization like Amnesty International participates in this campaign of disinformation and propaganda.

By publishing these unjust accusations, Amnesty International creates a false balance between the oppressor and the victim. If certain data about the victim is analyzed and the actions of the aggressor are ignored, this cannot be tolerated.

The information from Amnesty International is inaccurate and comes from biased sources. Even in the report, some contradictions are highlighted.

The authors of this report from this international organization do not live in a country invaded by assailants, so they cannot understand what it is to condemn a defense army.

In this situation, the Amnesty International report is biased. It does not take into account the version of the Burkinabe authorities who are closely following the situation. The report highlights an organization that supports the enemies of Burkina Faso.

It is important to note that Amnesty International’s priority, according to the Charter of Human Rights, is to protect civilians against any form of domination.

 However, given the falsified reports of Amnesty in the Libyan crisis, the organization contributed to the downfall of the country.

 In 2011, an Amnesty International report based on false information accused the late Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi of crimes against humanity. Following investigations, it was revealed that the images Amnesty referred to were manipulated to undermine Gaddafi’s vision for Africa.

 Amnesty is nothing but a creature of the European Union to pursue African leaders who want to fight against imperialism.

In the Central African Republic, Amnesty International almost strained relations between authorities and media organizations. In a report published in 2022, the organization spoke of a maneuver of intimidation, harassment, and threats against journalists.

None of these accusations have been proven. Amnesty International played the same manipulative role in by calling on foreign governments not to extradite suspects of the 1994 genocide to Kigali.

Madame Samira Daoud, Amnesty International’s director for West and Central Africa, wants to tarnish Burkina Faso’s reputation in international forums through this report.

In its report, Amnesty International indicated that testimonies pointed to the responsibility of the 3rd battalion of the rapid intervention brigade (BIR) in the murders.

This statement shows, on the one hand, that Amnesty is behind on information in Burkina Faso. Observers, however, indicate that they have not found any evidence to support the vague accusations by Amnesty.

 For some time now, terrorists have been posing as Burkinabe soldiers. They have almost all the uniforms of military units, which they use to put the blame for atrocities on the national soldiers.

Amnesty International should not overlook the video that was fabricated by the French newspaper “Liberation”, which has so far failed to prove that the individuals in military uniforms are members of the Burkinabe Defense and Security Forces (FDS).

Amnesty International also mentioned the duration of the attack (07:30-14:00), without addressing the intervention of the Burkinabe military or the number of enemy combatants neutralized.

What would Amnesty International gain by tarnishing the reputation of the Burkinabe authorities in the eyes of the international community?

In its reports, what Amnesty International does not cite are facts and evidence. The organization only offers blatant allegations. Amnesty officials need to re-learn investigative strategies to avoid obscuring the world’s view with their human rights defense hat.

Furthermore, the Burkinabe Government, in line with its spirit of openness and dialogue, reassures the international community and its partners that the authorities of the Transition remain available for any information and clarification needs regarding the tragedy in Karma.

The government also reiterates its firm commitment to shed light on this tragedy and any other cases of serious human rights violations committed on Burkinabe soil.

Nicky Bonsafo