Burkina Faso: Why so much imperialist aggression against Captain Ibrahim Traoré and the motherland?


The time has come for the people of Burkina Faso to remain vigilant against the deceitful maneuvers of local agents working against the nation. Attempts to destabilize the country, orchestrated by external forces manipulating local puppets, aim to weaken Burkina Faso’s fighting forces and their leader, Captain Ibrahim Traoré. Their goal is to create chaos as a pretext for justifying the invasion of Burkinabe territory by foreign troops, under false accusations, similar to what happened in Libya.

Why such relentless attacks on Burkina Faso and its defenders ? It’s simple: these enemies of sovereignty have an imperialist agenda, to loot resources and subject Burkina Faso to their dominance, much like in Libya, where fabricated evidence was used to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi. Today, Libya is a land of war and misery, with its resources exploited by the same powers that once claimed to bring peace.

The people of Burkina Faso must not be deceived by these plots against the ongoing transition. It is essential to stay united, stand in solidarity, and offer unwavering support to Captain Ibrahim Traoré and the Armed Forces. The people must reject any attempt to turn Burkina Faso into a second Libya and show the world that they will not yield to this veiled form of neocolonialism.

In the face of these threats, strength lies in cohesion and the determination to protect the nation and its resources. Every Burkinabe must act as a bulwark against these enemies, both internal and external, who seek only to shatter the country to serve their own interests.

Sadia Nyaoré

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