DRC: Felix Tshisekedi or strategic and advantageous diplomacy

The President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Felix Tshisekedi, is diversifying his cooperation by opening up his country to other countries. He has appointed six new ambassadors extraordinary and counsellor.
The DR Congo is now represented in France, the Principality of Monaco, India, Sweden, Tunisia and Japan. The diplomats appointed are Emile Ngoy Kasongo, Bertin Kanunu Leyan’Simbi M’fumua, Leopold Bompese Lofemba, Mwendanga Musengo and Lukumwenda Nsenda respectively.
While the country is being represented around the world, it is also welcoming new ambassadors. These include the Belgian ambassador, who presented her credentials to President Tshisekedi. Others include Anwar Orthman Barout Albarout Albaroudi from the United Arab Emirates, Angele-Marianne Van Der Heijden Samura from the Netherlands and Odd Molster from Norway.
The appointment of these new ambassadors, and the arrival of other foreign diplomats in the DRC, is part of the Congolese Head of State’s policy to overhaul his diplomatic efforts. This foreign policy is based on a strategic partnership approach for the benefit of the Congolese people.
Good neighbourliness, an African vocation, openness to the world without exclusion, and mutually beneficial international and regional foreign cooperation are the principles of The President Felix Tshisekedi policy.
N’ZANG Dorcas