DRC: H.E. Mr. Félix Tshisekedi, a President who listens to his people at historic moments

President Félix Tshisekedi once again demonstrated his closeness to the Congolese people by participating, this Monday in Isiro, in the Eucharistic celebration marking the 60th anniversary of the martyrdom of Blessed Anuarite Nengapeta. Alongside his wife, the Head of State joined nearly one million faithful gathered at the city’s decommissioned airfield for this highly symbolic event, which also marked the conclusion of the jubilee year dedicated to the Blessed.
In his address, President Félix Tshisekedi called on the Catholic Church to play an impartial role in society: “The Church is invited to play its part; it must truly be in the middle of the village”. Addressing the youth, he urged them to reject any attempts at manipulation and not to give in to the “songs of the sirens” that seek to perpetuate their enslavement. These strong words reflect his commitment to guiding the Congolese people in their pursuit of unity and resilience in the face of current challenges.
For Bishop Marcel Utembi, the celebrant of this memorable mass, this anniversary invites a historical parallel. Just as in 1964, when Blessed Anuarite paid the price for her faith, the current situation calls for collective mobilization for lasting peace in a region still plagued by rebellions. Through his presence, Félix Tshisekedi demonstrates that he remains a unifying figure and an active player for national stability and cohesion.