Equatorial Guinea: November 20 elections/ can the people hope for a changeover?

Can the Convergence work for Social Democracy (Cpds) party candidate make the Equatorial Guinean people dreaming of alternation on the eve of the general elections on November 20? This question is legitimate when we dwell on Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mangue’s response to the proposal of competitor André Osono, to compete in a TV discussion on their electoral programs.

The only opposition party that still survives the ravages of the lightning of the “Equato-Guinean thunder gods” is the convergence party for social democracy (Cpds). It is the only one in which the majority of Equatorial Guineans hope to finally know the alternation. It is also the only political formation that receives the support of the international community.

At the end of last week, a party campaign meeting was the presence of ambassadors from France, Spain and the United States accredited in Equatorial Guinea. A support that was not of the party’s taste for power which, in panicked, says “denounce an interference of these three states”.

As confirmation of the feeling of scare and humiliation of the authoritarian and aggressive regime, Teodorin categorically refuses the proposal of candidate André Osono Ondo to stand face-to-face in a television program to give the Equatorial Guinean people the choice to judge everyone’s society program.

On his twitter account, Teodorin, very confident in him, writes: “The CEOE candidate will not accept a debate with a party that is not sure to be able to get 1% of the vote”.

How can Teodorin, several times cited in cases of poorly acquired property, embezzlement, high-level corruption and many other offences and crimes, be so sure of the victory of his father and his party? How can you predict the suffrage rate of your political opponent before an election is held, unless the dice are already peed?

The dad’s son branded as an argument, the CEOE’s electoral program which, according to him, “will lead them to a certain victory”.

A retrospective takes us back to the early 1990s, to the time of the discovery of oil deposits in Equatorial Guinea. Teodoro Obiang described these deposits as “the man of heaven” and makes Eldorado shimmer to these fellow citizens. Apart from that, for decades, Teodoro has always been able to excite and seduce the electorate with enticing promises never kept. The population still lives in great poverty.

The people used to being long rolled in flour no longer give credit to the false promises of the Nguema. By what magic wand does Teodoro Mangue intend to erase the memory of Equatorial Guineans so that they can regain confidence in his executioners?

The people who have been captive for 43 years thirst for alternation. The lack of transparency and credibility of the elections in Equatorial Guinea has always been denounced by the national and international community. So this attitude of “bombing the torso” or “looking up at his political opponent” that the vice-president has just displayed still sows doubt in the hearts of voters aspiring to alternation on the transparency of these November 20 elections.

                                   Miss OLY