Guinea: Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya commits to the fight against corruption

Since taking power, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya has initiated reforms at all levels to advance Guinea, particularly through a vigorous fight against corruption. «The fight against corruption and illicit enrichment remains my main battle. The objective of this fight is to instill morality in the management of public resources», emphasized Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya.
This determination led to the creation of the Court of Repression of Economic and Financial Offenses, an institution aimed at combating corruption and embezzlement of public funds. According to the Guinean President, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, «the effects of corruption undermine the Republic, erode its foundations, and hinder the economic progress of our State».
The Guinean President has issued new instructions to be implemented in pursuit of this goal. These instructions notably involve the digitization of public procurement mechanisms to make them more transparent.
To complement his efforts in the fight against corruption, President Mamadi Doumbouya has established a new agency: the Agency for the Recovery of Seized and Confiscated Assets.
The ultimate goal is to organize free, credible, transparent, inclusive, and widely accepted elections. President Doumbouya has no intention to run in the upcoming elections.
He wishes to reassure the national and international community that his commitment remains steadfast and unchanged.
H. Nelchael