Ivory Coast: Suspension of the import of alcoholic energy drinks, a sword in the water

Suspension of the import of alcoholic energy drinks, a sword in the water. Today it is no longer possible to import alcoholic energy drinks on Ivorian soil, the authorities through a circular note have banned it, at least for a while, for issues related to the health of the population, in this case young people.
It’s been a while, a phenomenon called «Gaddafi» has appeared in Ivory Coast. It is a substance obtained from a mixture of Tramadol and alcoholic beverages. This psychoactive substance unfortunately becomes the prerogative of some young people who abuse it. A fact to be condemned with the utmost rigour. But going beyond to incriminate alcoholic energy drinks to suspend their imports, does not solve anything in itself.
Tramadol as well as any product containing opioids is dangerous at a certain dose, so must be strictly controlled. Pointing fingers at alcoholic energy drinks is an indirect way of saying that this is where the danger comes from, yet Tramadol associated with any alcoholic beverage can cause harm to human health. Therefore, it is Tramadol that should be prohibited and not the other way around.
This suspension sets the stage in one way or another for young people to continue the consumption of this substance called «Gaddafi» until it is done with alcoholic energy drinks. And that’s a real shame.
I cannot wait for the Ivorian authorities to return their copy, to target the real culprit in this story and act accordingly.