Mali : Can we still talk about the Algiers agreement at this stage of the Malian situation ?

In a press release, the United Nations Security Council reaffirmed the central nature of the 2015 Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in Mali, resulting from the Algiers process. The Council urged « all signatory parties to resume dialogue and engage in the implementation of the agreement to ensure peace and stability in Mali ».
The same source added that, on the occasion of the closure of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), the Security Council members noted the « closure of the mission on December 31, 2023, after ten years of presence, in accordance with Resolution 2690 (2023), following the request of the transitional government in Mali ».
They praised the « significant efforts made by the leaders and staff of MINUSMA since 2013 to implement the mission’s mandate in very challenging circumstances and paid tribute to the Malian people for their resilience and efforts in this context ».
Furthermore, the Security Council members emphasized the « central nature » of the 2015 Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in Mali, resulting from the Algiers process, urging « all signatory parties to resume dialogue and engage in the implementation of the agreement to ensure peace and stability in Mali ».
Additionally, the Security Council members acknowledged the role played by the transitional government of Mali during the withdrawal of MINUSMA and underscored the need for « full and ongoing » cooperation from the transitional government of Mali, including compliance with its ongoing obligations under the Status of Forces Agreement. They affirmed, finally, that they will remain « fully committed » to promoting peace and security in Mali and the region.
It is worth noting that the recent diplomatic tensions between Mali and Algeria seem to be dissipating. Hopefully, a return to normalcy is on the horizon.