Mali/Counter-terrorism : A terrorist leader and several other criminals neutralized by the army

In Mali, operations to sweep, respond, and secure the territory against wrongdoers continue throughout the Malian territory. Over the weekend and the beginning of this week, encouraging results were once again recorded by the Malian Armed Forces (FAMa) on the fronts.
The military hierarchy announced on Monday, April 8th, the neutralization of a terrorist leader and several of his accomplices. Boura Lobbi, originally from the village of Tanal, responsible for several atrocities against the population and attacks against the FAMa in a large part of the Douentza Region, particularly in the North up to Diona, was finally shot dead by the FAMa.
This occurred during an encounter with the Malian combat forces on March 18, 2024, in the Niabi forest. He was well identified among the killed terrorists who were none other than his guards, according to the statement from the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
It also announced the interception of a tricycle transporting barrels of gasoline and food destined for the terrorists. This happened during the sweeping operations conducted by the FAMa in the Koro sector and its surroundings. Another group of FAMa is said to have also neutralized several terrorists, recovered significant quantities of war materials, and destroyed one of their bases in the Douentza area.
But that’s not all. According to the statement, the combat forces vigorously repelled a complex terrorist attack on Sunday, April 7, targeting the Sarakala post in the Segou region. During this response operation, the FAMa were able to neutralize several terrorists and seize significant materials.
While saluting the bravery, professionalism, and dedication of the combat forces, the General Staff of the Armed Forces reassures the Malian population of the continuation of operations aimed at tracking down and neutralizing the enemies of the Nation.