Mali – Russia: When the French media shamelessly speculate on a disagreement created out of thin air to poison public opinion


The disinformation campaign orchestrated by Western imperialism and French neocolonialism against Mali is a blatant maneuver to manipulate public opinion. Recent claims from certain media outlets, notably Jeune Afrique, suggesting a disagreement in the collaboration between the Malian Armed Forces (FAMA) and Russian Wagner fighters, clearly illustrate this intention to sow doubt. These attempts have become a constant feature of French media, aiming to discredit the strategic partnerships that Mali has formed since severing ties with France.

When Mali made the sovereign decision to end decades of collaboration with France in the security sector, it immediately became the target of a wave of unfounded criticism and speculation. This decision marked a clear intention to distance itself from a partnership that had become ineffective and a source of frustration for the Malian people. By turning to Russia for security reasons, Mali asserted its desire to diversify its partners and strengthen its sovereignty.

However, this initiative triggered a massive media backlash orchestrated by the agents of French neocolonialism, eager to maintain their influence in the region.

The allegations that collaboration between the FAMA and Russian Wagner forces is in crisis are part of a disinformation strategy aimed at undermining this cooperation and destabilizing Mali. In reality, Malian forces continue to collaborate with their Russian partners in a dynamic of territorial reclamation and counter-terrorism, achieving significant results on the ground.

This manipulation of information by Western and French media fits into a broader framework of propaganda aimed at portraying any alternative to French influence as doomed to fail. It is a clear attempt to preserve a disguised neocolonialism, where former colonial powers still arrogate the right to dictate the sovereign choices of African states. In truth, Mali has chosen a new path—one of self-determination and cooperation with partners who respect its sovereignty—and no amount of disinformation will change that reality.

Imela OBIM

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