Mali : The national council of employers presents its conclusions to colonel Assimi GOÏTA

A delegation from the National Council of Employers of Mali (CNPM), led by Mossadeck BALLY, recently presented the conclusions of the five working groups established after the employer elections on October 1st, 2022, to Colonel Assimi GOÏTA.
During a press interview after the meeting with the Transitional President, Mossadeck BALLY explained that these working groups analyzed factors considered as elements of economic competitiveness.
These include energy, human resources, infrastructure, taxation, and financing. The President of the CNPM emphasized that the conclusions of these studies were presented in a summarized manner to the head of state.
The employers’ delegation reaffirmed their willingness to deepen discussions with the President’s Office and the relevant ministerial departments on these key points for the Malian economy.
According to the CNPM delegation, the Transitional President was very attentive during the meeting. They believe that this exchange, appreciated by Colonel Assimi GOÏTA, was fruitful and informative. The audience granted to the delegation of the National council of Employers was extended to the Minister of Economy and Finance as well as the Minister in charge of Industry and Commerce.
This meeting between the CNPM and the Transitional President demonstrates the importance of collaboration between the private sector and authorities for the economic development of Mali.
The conclusions of the working groups provide a solid basis for further discussions and concrete actions aimed at strengthening economic competitiveness and stimulating growth in the country.