Niger/Counter-terrorism: Valiant fighters still determined, achieve feats

The Nigerien army has announced new positive and encouraging results from the Nigerien defense and security forces. Operations carried out over the past weekend resulted in heavy losses for criminals, enemies of the bush, according to reports. The details indicate that 27 terrorists were neutralized in the Tillabéri region, along with the recovery of significant equipment.
According to the information, several offensive and territorial security operations were carried out by the brave soldiers of Niger in targeted areas. These operations led to the neutralization of 27 terrorists in total, the capture of several individuals suspected of collaborating with the terrorists, and the recovery of military materials, such as weapons, communication devices, motorcycles, ammunition, and food supplies.
From Karey-Goussou to Lemdou, passing through Karey-Goussou and Mangaïzé, in the northern sector of Téra, the fighters operated with professionalism and selflessness, despite the loss of four (04) of their comrades. Efforts were made to avenge their fallen comrades by inflicting heavy losses on the enemies.
These successes testify to the determination of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) to ensure the safety of the population in the Tillabéri region, despite the challenges. These operations, carried out with professionalism and courage, also highlight the effectiveness of intelligence and ground strategies in the fight against criminal armed groups.