Sahel: Successful joint military operations between Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger

In the Sahel region, the forces of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger have recently conducted a series of joint military operations in the fight against terrorism, demonstrating effective coordination to counter the threat posed by terrorist groups in the area.
On April 14, 2024, an operation was reported to have targeted and destroyed terrorist groups as well as their equipment, thanks to the efficient use of military aviation to identify enemy vehicles in motion.
This operation, which falls within the framework of the Sahel States Alliance (SSA) strategy, established in February during a meeting in Niamey, aims to coordinate the security efforts of the three countries: Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger. Under the leadership of General Moussa Salaou Barmou, the main objective of this initiative is the stabilization of the tri-border area through a “shared security” approach.
The operations conducted from April 10 to 14 have concretely illustrated the implementation of this SSA strategy. The authorities of the armed forces of the three countries reported that these operations were crucial in countering the constant threat of terrorist groups in the region. Effective coordination between the forces enabled the targeting and destruction of terrorist groups and their equipment, demonstrating a rapid and determined response to the threat.
This series of joint operations in the Sahel marks an important step in the fight against terrorism and the promotion of regional security. The effectiveness of military aviation in identifying and neutralizing enemy targets reflects the progress made in the operational capabilities of the region’s armed forces.
As the terrorist threat persists in the Sahel region, the commitment of the Sahel States Alliance to shared security and enhanced coordination proves to be a promising strategy. The successes of these joint operations underscore the importance of regional cooperation in the fight against terrorism, as well as the determination of the armed forces to ensure security and stability in the region.