Sport/Rugby: Bernard Laporte tackles FFR after World Cup failure

In an interview with RMC, Bernard Laporte, former president of the French Rugby Federation (FFR), criticized his successor, Florian Grill, holding him responsible for the failure of the French national rugby team in the World Cup.
«We should have been world champions», lamented Laporte, who has recently been appointed as the director of rugby at Montpellier.
Bernard Laporte is back. Recently appointed as the director of rugby at Montpellier by Mohed Altrad, the former president of the French Rugby Federation (FFR) spoke out on RMC to address the failure of the French national team during the home World Cup.
He criticized, without mentioning him directly, his successor Florian Grill, with whom relations are frosty.
I believe Laporte had some things to say, and he took the opportunity to criticize how he was treated during the World Cup.
He mentioned not being invited to the opening match between the French team and New Zealand, which he saw as a slight or omission.