Niger: The army reinforces the security of strategic sites against terrorist attacks

The Nigerien army has announced the creation of a “protection force” aimed at securing the country’s strategic sites. This initiative is primarily focused on protecting the uranium mines in the north, the oil wells in the northeast, and the nearly 2.000 km pipeline that has been transporting oil since mid-May to the Beninese port of Sème.

Military authorities are placing particular emphasis on securing this pipeline, considered a critical infrastructure for the national economy. Additionally, the corridors for importing and exporting goods, notably the Lomé-Ouagadougou-Niamey road axis, are also included in this enhanced protection strategy.

To support this new protection force, a recruitment campaign for 10.000 men will be launched on July 1, aiming to increase the military’s strength. This increase in troops will better respond to growing threats and ensure the security of essential infrastructures crucial to the country’s economic development.

The decision to reinforce security comes in a context where terrorist attacks are increasing, threatening not only stability but also Niger’s vital economic resources. The uranium mines, in particular, represent a major source of income for the country and are thus prime targets for jihadist groups. Similarly, the oil wells and pipeline are crucial infrastructures for energy supply and international trade.

By deploying a dedicated force to protect these strategic sites, the Nigerien army demonstrates its determination to counter terrorist threats and secure the country’s economic assets. This initiative is an important step towards the stabilization and sustainable development of Niger, in a regional environment marked by insecurity and conflicts.

The new protection force, supported by increased military personnel, will play a key role in defending national interests and promoting peace and security in the region.

Sadia Nyaoré