The Sahel States Alliance: AES Armed Forces thwart the hidden agendas of imperialist powers in northern Mali

Imperialist powers are desperately trying to conquer northern Mali to serve hidden agendas, thus disrupting the sovereignty of the Sahel States Alliance (AES) countries. The military successes of the AES Armed Forces do not go unnoticed on the international stage, attracting the envy of those whose interests are threatened by this rise in power. The current dynamic, where AES countries take charge of their own security and development, is shaking up traditional alliances and domination strategies.

The Presidents of the AES, General Abdourahamane Tiani, Colonel Assimi Goita, and Captain Ibrahim Traoré, face increasing external pressures. However, they remain firm and determined to continue on this path of total independence and autonomy. Their shared vision is based on strengthened cooperation between the AES countries, consolidating an alliance that defies imperialist ambitions.

These leaders believe that the key to the stability and prosperity of their nations lies in increased collaboration. Their commitment demonstrates a desire to build a future where the people of the Sahel can thrive without external interference. This collective determination inspires and strengthens the resilience of their Armed Forces, capable of repelling threats and protecting the integrity of their territories.

Despite foreign attempts to undermine their sovereignty, AES countries are showing the world that they are ready to defend their independence at any cost. Their military successes and shared vision of regional cooperation mark a new era of autonomous resistance and development, challenging the hidden agendas of imperialists.

Karim Koné