Togo/Digital Transformation: The strategic partnership between Lomé and Astana in Service of Digitalization

Engaged in a policy of digitalizing public services, the Togolese government, through its “Agence Togo Digital (ATD)”,is poised to accelerate the process. The recent agreement between Togo and Kazakhstan already favors digital transformation.

A company from Kazakhstan, National Information Technologies (NITEC), has entered into a partnership with the Agence Togo Digital (ATD) in this sector. The Kazakh partner is ready to offer its expertise to ATD to enhance its services for the benefit of Togolese citizens.

Specifically, the agreement, signed by officials from both entities, will enable the Togolese government agency to strengthen the existing framework to allow public administrations to offer better services and make them more accessible to users.

It’s worth noting that this collaboration between the two institutions is part of a reinforced partnership that the President of the Republic, Faure Gnassingbé, and his Kazakh counterpart, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, envisioned and expressed during the Togolese president’s visit to the Central Asian country at the end of 2023.

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