TOGO: FAT in search of future officers

The Togolese Ministry of Defense launched a call for applications on December 1st for the recruitment of young Togolese individuals interested in pursuing a career in the Togolese Armed Forces (FAT).
This constitutes a preselection test for candidates intending to join officer training schools for the continuous cycle of 2024-2025. The test will take place on December 12th and 13th at the General Staff Headquarters of the Togolese Armed Forces (FAT).
For the Special Military School, candidates must hold a high school diploma and have completed at least two years at the university level (BAC+2). They should be no older than 27 years old by January 1st, 2024.
For the Naval School, candidates must be under 26 years old by January 1st, 2024. They should have completed at least two years at the university level in mathematics, physical sciences, or civil engineering.
For the Army Commissariat School, the age limit is under 26 years old by January 1st, 2024. Candidates should hold a bachelor’s degree in law, business management, political science, or economics.
The application package to be submitted includes a handwritten application addressed to the Ministry of Defense, a copy of the birth certificate, a copy of the Togolese nationality certificate, copies of school and university diplomas, a medical certificate issued by a doctor, and a fee of 5000 CFA francs.
The application files must be submitted no later than December 9th at 12:00 PM to the secretariat of the Training Division of the General Staff Headquarters of the FAT in Agoè-Nyivé and to the territorial brigade of the national gendarmerie in Kara.
Justine Akolatsey