Togo/Health: President Faure GNASSINGBE continues his efforts to strengthen the health system

It should be noted that the health sector in Togo has experienced significant transformation in recent years. This is thanks to the ambition of the authorities to effectively address a critical need for healthcare across the entire national territory, as highlighted in the government’s 2020-2025 roadmap. These efforts include the construction of new healthcare infrastructures across the country.

In this context, a new infectious disease care center was opened in Kara, in the north of Togo, thanks to the determination of President Faure GNASSINGBE to improve the healthcare system for the benefit of the citizens. The president himself inaugurated the center over the weekend, demonstrating his concern for the health and well-being of the population.

This center will ease the burden on the people in the northern part of the country, who were previously forced to travel long distances to receive treatment in the capital, Lomé. This important initiative is part of the government’s policy to improve and modernize the healthcare system, with the aim of providing equitable access to quality care.

The construction of this facility was funded by the government with the support of international partners, particularly German development cooperation. According to the authorities, the center is equipped with adequate resources to better prevent and manage epidemic situations and to ensure better treatment of healthcare needs, particularly infectious diseases.

On the same day, President Faure GNASSINGBE also inaugurated the annex of the Dokta-Lafiè referral hospital in Kara. With its state-of-the-art equipment, this hospital in Kara offers a full range of medical services, including imaging and medical radiography, hemodialysis, ophthalmology, etc.

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