Togo : President Faure Gnassingbé, a leader listening to his people

In a gesture of exemplary leadership, the President of the Togolese Republic, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé, has demonstrated his commitment to democracy and the well-being of his people. Following the division stirred by the new constitutional revision law passed by Parliament, the President made a remarkable decision by requesting a second reading of the said law.

During a meeting with the parliamentary bureau on Wednesday, April 3rd, in Lomé, President Gnassingbé expressed his desire to proceed with a new deliberation of the controversial law. This republican approach demonstrates his willingness to address the concerns of his fellow citizens and to work for national unity.

During this meeting, the President encouraged the MPs to remain receptive to all stakeholders in Togolese society. This openness to dialogue and consultation shows the government’s willingness to take into account various contributions aimed at enriching the Constitution, in a spirit of consensus and respect for divergent opinions.

In response to this presidential request, the National Assembly’s Bureau expressed its intention to engage in extensive consultations with all stakeholders in national life. This initiative demonstrates a collective awareness of the importance of citizen participation in the democratic process.

Furthermore, aware of the time constraints, the government has decided to adjust the schedule for legislative and regional elections, originally scheduled for April 20, 2024. This decision demonstrates the flexibility and adaptability of Togolese authorities to ensure inclusive and transparent elections, truly reflecting the will of the people.

President Faure Gnassingbé’s proactive and receptive attitude towards current political challenges demonstrates his enlightened leadership and his willingness to promote democracy and dialogue in Togo.

Justine Akolatsey