TOGO: The «Maritimafrica week», for the promotion of the blue economy

The first edition of the Maritimafrica Week forum started on Tuesday in Lomé. The work was initiated by the Minister of Maritime Economy, Fisheries and Coastal Protection, Kokou Edem TENGUE. The objective of this meeting is to bring together blue economy actors to discuss the opportunities and challenges of this sector on the African continent.
For a period of 03 days this forum has the theme: «Valuing the blue economy for the development of Africa»
The participants come from Benin, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Togo and a delegation from the European Union. This forum is a point of sharing, learning and networking in order to strengthen the maritime economy as a strong pillar of Africa’s development.
Several themes will be addressed, including women, fisheries, marine safety, coastal protection and the fishing industry.
The choice of Togo to host this forum is not a coincidence. According to Pascaline Odoubourou, founder of Maritimafrica, Togo is a country that has made significant progress in the field of maritime economy, whether in the fishing sector, port and aquaculture.
Togo thus positioning itself as the host country of this forum demonstrates its commitment to promoting a sustainable and prosperous blue economy for economic and social development in Africa.
The Minister TENGUE expressed his satisfaction with this forum which offers to the actors of all Africa, the opportunity to meet, to resauter and to exchange hard topics of common interest.