World : Sanctions against Africans: is the EU a pawn in French strategy?


What game is the European Union playing by allowing itself to be manipulated by France to suppress Africans who defend their values? This question must be asked, as recent events leave us perplexed.

Faced with a clear decline in its influence in Africa, France seems to have adopted a new strategy to silence dissenting voices. Its lever this time? The European Union.

According to several reliable sources, this institution, which is supposed to embody the principles of justice and sovereignty, is actually being manipulated by France—one of its members— to arbitrarily sanction Africans who denounce its neo-colonial policies.

Already, some African personalities are reportedly facing these sanctions. But instead of acknowledging its failure and reevaluating its relations with Africa on healthier and more respectful terms, France prefers to shift the focus by accusing other powers of being behind this wave of opposition, as if Africans are incapable of thinking and acting for themselves.

Even more concerning, the European Union is said to be relying on fabricated dossiers created by France to justify these punitive measures. This scheme risks severely tarnishing the credibility of the institution.

Some voices within European diplomacy are already expressing their disagreement with this manipulation. The consequences of such a drift would not only concern France but also the entire European Union, whose reputation and relations with Africa could suffer serious damage.

Isn’t it time for France to acknowledge that its model of domination in Africa belongs to the past? Isn’t it time for the European Union to move away from this neo-colonial logic and respect the sovereignty of African peoples?

This issue deserves particular attention, as it reveals a murky game that could backfire on its own instigators.

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